Welcome to NerdTitan Multimedia, where creativity knows no bounds in web design, graphic design, logo design, and custom printing services tailored to your unique requirements. Our payment and refund policy is thoughtfully designed to create a transparent and fair process for both you, our valued client, and us. We kindly ask you to review this policy carefully before engaging with our services.

  1. Initial Payments:
    • For Web Design, Graphic Design, and Logo Design: A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total project cost is required prior to the commencement of work. This deposit secures your spot in our design queue and facilitates initial consultations and planning.
    • For Custom Printing: Full payment is necessary before the printing process begins.
  2. Project Initiation:
    • Full refunds will be granted if no work has been initiated on the project or if printing has not yet commenced for custom printing orders.
  3. Work in Progress:
    • For Web Design, Graphic Design, and Logo Design: In the event of project cancellation after work has started, a partial refund will be provided based on the progress made up to that point.
    • For Custom Printing: Should the project be initiated but printing has not yet started, a partial refund will be calculated according to the stage reached.
  4. Printing Initiation:
    • Refunds are not applicable for web design, graphic design, or logo design projects once significant work has been completed, or if the printing process has commenced for custom printing orders. This phase involves dedicated resources and time commitment.
  5. Design Approval:
    • It is crucial to review and approve all designs before finalization or printing. Once you provide the green light, any further changes may incur additional charges.
  6. Payment Completion:
    • For web design, graphic design, and logo design projects, the final payment is due upon project completion and prior to the delivery of final files.
    • For custom printing, the full payment is expected before the printing process begins.
  7. Cancellation:
    • Should you opt to cancel a project after commencement but prior to finalization or printing, a partial refund will be determined based on the extent of progress made, excluding the non-refundable deposit.

By engaging our services, you acknowledge and accept our payment and refund policy. Our commitment lies in delivering top-tier design and printing services, ensuring an enriching and seamless experience for each of our esteemed clients. Should any inquiries arise or clarifications be sought, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for entrusting NerdTitan Multimedia with your design and printing aspirations. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to transform your visions into reality.

Warm regards,
NerdTitan Multimedia